卷子(五)Paper Five

65 分钟
65 minutes

Directions:In this part, there are 3 dialogues with 3 or 4 blanks,

each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D.

Fill in each blank with the choice that best suits the situation until the dialogue is complete.

With Dialogue One, all the choices will have to be used.

With Dialogue Two and Dialogue Three, one choice wil be left unused.

Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

男人 : 晚饭吃什么?
Man : What's for dinner?

女人 : 我不确定
Woman : __1__. D. I'm not sure.

男人 : 披萨怎么样?
Man : How about a pizza?

女人 : 我们午餐已经吃过比萨饼了。
Woman : __2__. C. We've had pizza for lunch already.

男人 : 但是我喜欢披萨。
Man : But I love pizza.

女人 : 每个人都喜欢披萨。
Woman : Everybody loves pizza.

男人 : 那我晚餐为什么不能吃披萨?
Man : __3__. A. So why can't I have pizza for dinner?

女人 : 因为我们需要多样性。
Woman : Because we need variety.

男人 : 你说的“多样性”是什么意思?
Man : What do you mean by “variety”?

女人 : 就是吃不同的东西。不能总吃同样的东西
Woman : Different things--not the same thing all the time.

男人 : 你是说吃蔬菜披萨而不是奶酪披萨吗?
Man : __4__. B. You mean, like a vegetable pizza instead of a cheese pizza?

女人 : 不,我是说沙拉而不是披萨。
Woman : No, I mean a salad instead of a pizza.

A. So why can't I have pizza for dinner? 那我晚餐为什么不能吃披萨?
B. You mean,like a vegetable pizza instead of a cheese pizza? 你是说蔬菜披萨而不是奶酪披萨吗?
C. We've had pizza for lunch already. 我们午餐已经吃过比萨饼了。
D. I'm not sure. 我不确定。

男人 : 我爱我的电脑。
Man : I love my computer.

女人 : 电脑太酷了。
Woman : Computers are so cool.

男人 : 我喜欢上网。
Man : I love to go online.

女人 : 互联网太神奇了
Woman : __5__. C. The Internet is amazing

男人 : 你不仅可以得到你想要的信息,还可以周游世界。
Man : You can not only get the information you want,but also travel all over the world.

女人 : 我知道。 你在网上周游世界了吗?
Woman : I know. __6__. A. Have you traveled online?

男人 : 是的。我昨天去了加拿大。
Man : Yes. I went to Canada yesterday.

女人 : 你做了什么?
Woman : What did you do?

男人 : 我站在落基山上,环顾四周。
Man : I stood on the Rocky Mountain and looked all around.

女人 : 是什么样的? 像真实的旅游吗?
Woman : What was it like? __7__. B. Was it like the real thing?

男人 : 是的,我感觉我就在那里。
Man : Yes,I felt like I was actually there.

A. Have you traveled online? 你在网上周游世界了吗?
B. Was it like the real thing? 像真实的旅游吗?
C. The Internet is amazing 互联网太神奇了
D. But surfing online takes a lot of time. 但是上网要花很多时间。

男人 : 你听说过“美元爸爸比尔”吗?
Man : Have you ever heard about Father Dollar Bill?

女人 : 是的,他上了今天的电视新闻。每个复活节星期天他都会分发钱。
Woman : __8 D. Yes, he was on the TV news today. __ Every Easter Sunday he gives away money.

男人 : 是他自己的钱吗?
Man : Is it his money?

女人 : 不是。是一些电影明星给他钱,让他给无家可归的人。
Woman : No. Movie stars give him money to give to homeless people.

男人 : 他捐了多少钱?
Man : How much money does he give away?

女人 : 今年他捐了15000美元。
Woman : This year he gave away $15,000.

男人 : 那可是一大笔钱。
Man : __9__. C. That's a lot of money.

女人 : 他给每个坐轮椅的人100美元。
Woman : He gave $100 to people in wheelchairs.

男人 : 那其他无家可归的人呢?
Man : __10__. B. What about the other homeless people?

女人 : 每人10美元
Woman : They got $10 each

A. He goes to street to help those homeless people. 他到街上去帮助那些无家可归的人。
B. What about the other homeless people? 那其他无家可归的人呢?
C. That's a lot of money. 那可是一大笔钱。
D. Yes, he was on the TV news today. 是的,他上了今天的电视新闻。

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part.

Each passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements.

For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,B, C and D.

Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET

with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice

        Justin was always prepared.

His motto was “Never throw anything out, you never know when it might come in handy."

His bedroom was so full of flat bicycle tires,

bent tennis rackets, deflated basketballs, and games with missing pieces that you could barely get in the door.

His parents asked him to clean out his room.

        他的父亲问 :“底有洞的鱼缸有什么用?”
        “What use is a fish tank with a hole in the bottom? ” his father asked.

But Justin simply smiled and repeated his motto,

“Never throw anything out, you never know when it might come in handy.”

        When Justin was away from home, he always carried his blue backpack.

He liked to think of it as a smaller version of his bedroom -a place to store the many objects that he collected.

It was so worn and stretched that it hardly resembled a backpack anymore.

It was full of the kind of things that seemed unimportant,

but when used with a little imagination might come in handy.

        Justin had earned a reputation for figuring things out and getting people out of otherwise hopeless situations.

Many of his classmates and neighbors sought him out when they needed help with a problem.

On the first day of school, his friend Kenny, came looking for Justin.

        "Do you think you have something in your bag that could help me remember my locker code? "

he asked.“I lost the paper it was written on. I have science class in two minutes and

if I'm late on the first day it'll make me look bad for the rest of the year."

Kenny looked genuinely worried.

        Relax,”Justin said, taking his backpack off and opened it.

Remember how you borrowed my notebook in homeroom to write the code down?

Well, I know how we can recover what you wrote.

        He took the notebook and a soft lead pencil out of his bag.

The page that Kenny had written on had left faint indentations(印凹痕) on another page in the notebook.

Justin held the pencil on its side and rubbed it lightly over the indentations.

Slowly but surely the numbers of the locker code appeared in white, set off by the gray pencil rubbings.

        "That's amazing!" Kenny said."I owe you one." And he dashed off to open his locker.

11. Why is Justin's room such a mess?
A. He always forgets to clean it. 他总是忘记打扫。
B. He never throws anything away, 他从来不扔掉任何东西。
C. He has no time to clean it. 他没有时间打扫。
D. He shares a room with Kenny. 他和肯尼同住一个房间。

12. In what way is Justin's backpack a smaller version of his bedroom?
A. He uses it as a place to store objects. 他把它用作存放物品的地方。
B. He uses it to carry his books and sports equipment. 他用它来装书和运动器材。
C. His parents tell him to clean it all the time. 他的父母总是叫他打扫。
D. He has had it for too long a time. 他已经拥有它太久了。

13. How does Justin help his friends?
A. He offers them advice. 他向他们提供建议。
B. He loans them his backpack. 他把背包借给他们。
C. He listens to their problems. 他倾听他们的问题。
D. He uses the objects in his backpack. 他用背包里的东西。

14. How come Justin could help Kenny recover his locker combination?
A. Justin remembered Kenny's locker combination. 贾斯汀记得肯尼的储物柜密码。
B. Kenny had left the scrap of paper in Justin's backpack. 肯尼把那张纸片留在了贾斯汀的背包里。
C. Kenny had left indentations of the combination on Justin's notebook. 肯尼在贾斯汀的笔记本上留下了密码的凹痕。
D. Justin found the scrap of paper the locker combination was written on 贾斯廷发现了写着储物柜组合的那张纸

15. The author's purpose in writing this story is to _____.
A. inform 通知
B. entertain 娱乐
C. educate 教育
D. satirize 讽刺

        Only moments after announcing a policy of zero tolerance on cellphone(手机) use in the classroom,

Ali Nazemi heard a ring.

Nazemi, a business professor at Roanoke College in Virginia,

took out a hammer and walked towards a young man. He smashed the offending device.

Students' faces turned white all over the classroom.

        This episode reflects a growing challenge for American college teachers in,

正如《纽约时报》所言,这是一场“新课堂(教室)战争:教师 vs 科技产品”。
as the New York Times puts it, a “New Class (room) War:Teacher vs. Technology".

Fortunately, the smashed-phone incident had been planned ahead of time

to demonstrate teachers' anger at inattentive students distracted by high-tech devices.

        At age 55, Nazemi stands on the far shore of a new sort of generational divide between teacher and student.

The divide separates those who want to use technology to grow smarter from those who want to use it to get dumber.

Perhaps there's a nicer way to put it.

“The baby boomers seem to see technology as information and communication, "

said Michael Bugeja, the author of Interpersonal Divide:

the Search for Community in a Technological Age.

"Their children seem to see the same devices as entertainment and socializing.'

        Bugeja's online survey of several hundred students found that a majority had used their cell phones,

sent or read e-mail, and logged onto social-network sites during class time.

A quarter of the respondents admitted they were taking the survey while sitting in a different class.

        加拿大公司Smart Technologies生产并销售一款名为“同步眼”(SynchronEyes)的程序。
        The Canadian company Smart Technologies makes and sells a program called SynchronEyes.

It allows a classroom teacher to monitor every student's computer activity and to freeze it at a click.

Last year, the company sold more than 10,000 licenses.

The biggest problem, said Nancy Knowlton, the company's chief executive officer,

is staying ahead of students trying to crack the program's code.

"There's an active discussion on the Web, and we're monitoring it. "

Knowlton said. " They keep us on our toes."

16. Prof. Nazemi smashed the student's cellphone with a hammer because _____.
A. students in his class didn't listen to his announcement 他班上的学生没有听他的发言
B. he hated new gadgets such as cellphones 他讨厌像手机这样的新玩意儿
C. he no longer tolerated cellphone use in the classroom 他不再容忍在教室里使用手机
D. he wanted to show how distractive the cellphone was 他想展示手机有多让人分心

17. According to the passage high-tech devices can make youngsters _____.
A. more intelligent 更聪明
B. more stupid 更愚蠢
C. study more easily 学习更容易
D. get more information 获得更多的信息

18. “The baby boomers” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to _____.
A. the generation of people like Ali Nazemi 像阿里·纳兹米这样的一代人
B. the generation of people like Ali Nazemi's students 像阿里·纳兹米的学生这样的一代人
C. the very young babies 非常年幼的婴儿
D. the people who were born in the 1980s 出生在80年代的人

        加拿大公司Smart Technologies面临的最大问题是
19. The biggest problem for the Canadian company Smart Technologies is _____.
A. students may soon decode their program SynchronEyes 学生们可能很快就能破解他们的同步眼程序
B. whether they have the right to allow teachers to monitor students 他们是否有权允许教师监督学生
C. they must sell the program without the students' knowing of it 他们必须在学生不知情的情况下推销这个项目
D. they have to discuss whether the SynchronEyes is useful on the Web 他们必须讨论同步眼在网络上是否有用

20. The best title of this passage is probably _____.
A. Different Opinions Between Teachers and Students 教师与学生的不同观点
B. Classroom Chaos over Gadget Use 使用电子设备导致教室混乱
C. The Development of Classroom Wars 课堂战争的发展
D. Keep Us on Our Toes 让我们保持警觉

        Headphones used with MP3 digital music players like the iPod may interfere with heart pacemakers(起搏器) and implantable defibrillators(除颤器),U.S. researchers said

        The MP3 players themselves posed no threat to pacemakers and defibrillators,

used to normalize heart rhythm.

But strong little magnets inside the headphones can confuse the devices if placed within 1. 2 inches of them,

the researchers told an American Heart Association meeting in New Orleans.

        波士顿医疗设备安全研究所的William Maisel博士领导了一个团队
        Dr. William Maisel of the Medical Device Safety Institute in Boston led a team

that tested eight models of MP3 player headphones in 60 defibrillator and pacemaker patients.

        They placed the headphones on the patients' chests, directly over the devices.

The headphones interfered with the heart devices in about a quarter of the patients-14 of the 60

and interference was twice as likely in those with a defibrillator than with a pacemaker.

        Another study presented at the meeting showed that cell phones equipped with wireless technology are unlikely to interfere with pacemakers.

        A pacemaker sends electrical impulses to the heart to speed up or slow heart rhythm.

The magnet, however, could make it deliver a signal no matter what the heart rate is, the researchers said.

        An implantable defibrillator signals the heart to normalize its rhythm if it gets too fast or slow.

A magnet could de-activate it, making it ignore an abnormal heart rhythm instead of delivering an electrical shock to normalize it.

        The devices usually go back to working the right way after the headphones are removed, the researchers said.

        “The main message here is: it's fine for patients to use their headphones normally,

meaning they can listen to music and keep the headphones in their ears.

But what they should not do is put the headphones near their device,"

Maisel said in a telephone interview.

        So that means people with pacemakers or defibrillators should not place the headphones in a shirt pocket or coat pocket near the chest when they are not being used,

and should not place them over their chest or have others who are wearing headphones rest their head on the patient's chest, Maisel said

21. How can MP3 digital music players hinder pacemakers and defibrillators?
A. MP3 players can interfere with heart pacemakers and defibrillators. MP3播放器会干扰心脏起搏器和除颤器。
B. The magnets inside the headphones can interfere with pacemakers and defibrillators. 耳机里的磁铁会干扰起搏器和除颤器。
C. The loud music beats pose a threat to pacemakers and defibrillators. 吵闹的音乐节拍对心脏起搏器和除颤器构成威胁。
D. MP3 players are placed too close to pacemakers and defibrillators MP3播放器放置得太靠近起搏器和除颤器

22. Dr. William Maisel's tests showed that _____.
A. headphones had interference with the heart devices in every patient 耳机对每个病人的心脏设备都有干扰
B. half of the models of MP3 player headphones had interference with heart devices 一半型号的MP3耳机对心脏设备有干扰
C. headphones had much stronger interference with a defibrillator than with a pacemaker 耳机对除颤器的干扰要比起搏器强得多
D. headphones had much stronger interference with a pacemaker than with a defibrillator 耳机对起搏器的干扰要比除颤器强得多

23. The magnets inside the headphones can cause problems by _____.
A. sending out electrical shock to damage hearts 发出电击来伤害心脏
B. sending out signals to make hearts beat too slow 发出信号使心跳减慢
C. sending out signals to make hearts beat too fast 发出使心跳加快的信号
D. making the heart devices malfunction 使心脏装置失灵

24. People with pacemakers or defibrillators should _____.
A. never use MP3 digital music players 千万不要使用MP3数码音乐播放器
B. not use MP3 headphones 不要使用MP3耳机
C. not use the headphones near their hearts 不要让耳机靠近心脏
D. put the headphones in a pocket when they are not being used 不用耳机的时候,把耳机放在口袋里

25. The writer's purpose in writing this article is to _____.
A. report a scientific research 科学研究报告
B. warn people not to use modern gadgets 警告人们不要使用现代电子产品
C. compare different headphone products 比较不同的耳机产品
D. inform people of the safe use of MP3 players 提醒人们安全使用MP3播放器

        From the goose that laid the golden egg to the race between the tortoise and the hare,

Aesop's fables are known for teaching moral lessons rather than literally being true.

But a new study says at least one such tale might really have happened

        It's the fable about a thirsty crow(乌鸦).

The bird comes across a jar with the water level too low for him to reach.

The crow raises the water level by dropping stones into the jar.

The moral tells Little by little does the trick,

or in other retellings, necessity is the mother of invention.

        Now, scientists report that some relatives of crows called rooks used the same stone-dropping strategy to get at a floating worm.

Results of experiments with three birds were published online by the journal Current Biology.

        Rooks, like crows, had already been shown to use tools in previous experiments.

Christopher Bird of Cambridge University and a colleague exposed the rooks to a 6-inch-tall clear plastic tube containing water,

with a worm on its surface.

The birds used the stone-dropping trick naturally and appeared to estimate how many stones they would need.

They learned quickly that larger stones work better.

        新西兰奥克兰大学(University of Auckland)的亚历克斯·泰勒(Alex Taylor)和拉塞尔·格雷(Russell Gray)在一篇评论中指出,在所有早期的实验中,
        In an accompanying commentary, Alex Taylor and Russell Gray of the University of Auckland in New Zealand noted that in all earlier experiment,

the same birds had dropped a single stone into a tube to get food released at the bottom.

So maybe they were just following that strategy again when they saw the tube in the new experiment, the scientists suggested.

But Bird's paper argued there's more to it:

The rooks dropped multiple stones rather than just one before reaching for the worm,

and they reached for it at the top of the tube rather than trying to reach the food at the bottom.

        The researchers also said Aesop's crow might have actually been a rook,

since both kinds of birds were called crows in the past.

26. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Animals are smarter than we have expected. 动物比我们想象的要聪明。
B. Aesop's fables tell real morals. 伊索寓言告诉我们真正的道德。
C. Necessity is the mother of invention. 需要是发明之母
D. Some of Aesop's fables may be true 伊索寓言中的一些可能是真的

27. Aesop's fables have been popular for such a long time because they _____
A. tell us the truth of nature 告诉我们自然的真相
B. tell us interesting stories of animals 给我们讲一些有趣的动物故事
C. are teachings of life 是生活的教诲
D. are scientific literature 是科学文献

28. In the experiments, in order to eat the worm floating on the water surface, the rooks _____.
A. found a way to raise the water level 找到了提高水位的方法
B. broke the tube with larger stones 用更大的石头把管子打碎
C. counted how many stones they would need 数了一下他们需要多少石头
D. cooperated peacefully 和平合作

29. According to Alex Taylor and Russell Gray, it seems that rooks _____.
A. tend to follow the others' strategy 倾向于跟随别人的策略
B. can remember their former strategy 还记得他们以前的策略
C. can change strategy in different situations 能否在不同的情况下改变策略
D. seldom use the same strategy in experiments 很少在实验中使用相同的策略

30. According to the passage, crows and rooks _____.
A. are the same kind of birds with different names 同一种鸟有不同的名字
B. are very dfiferent in behavior 在行为上有很大不同
C. had the same name in the past 以前有过同样的名字
D. were both used in the experiments 这两种方法都在实验中使用了

Directions : There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section.

For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.

Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

31. When coming across a new word, I usually take the trouble __to look__ it up
A. looking
B. to look
C. and looking
D. to looking

32. At that time she had to take care of her husband while __doing__ a part-time job in the evening.
A. did 做(do的过去式)
B. does 做(do的第三人称单数形式)
C. doing 做(do的ing形式)
D. do 做

33. The Americans usually play games as if they __were fighting__ a war.
A. had fought 战斗
B. fight 与……打仗
C. were fighting
D. should fight 应该战斗
解析:as if 经常接虚拟形式,主句谓语动词是现在时,所以 were fighting 最合适

34. This ten-year-old boy lost his life __trying to save__ his classmate in the water.
A. trying to save
B. tried to save
C. to try saving
D. to try to save

35. Every time my wife goes shopping, she __will__ buy some food for my daughter.
A. should
B. will
C. shall
D. must
解析:句中will 不表示将来,而是表示习惯性结果。

36. The best method she can think of __to memorize__ new words is to learn the text by heart.
A. memorizing
B. to memorize 熟记
C. memorized
D. memorization
解析:空白处的词作定语,修饰 method,与 think of 无关

37. Because of the lasting pain, he could hardly walk on his own __or__ do any housework.
A. and
B. nor
C. also
D. or

38. Neither the parents nor the teacher __is__ to blame for the full schedule of teenagers.
A. are
B. were
C. is
D. be

39. The paint on my coat __doesn't wash__ out. I'm thinking of going to the laundry.
A. is not washed
B. doesn't wash
C. shall not wash
D. must wash

40. Governments at each level are supposed to show much __concern__ for the underprivileged.
A. concerning 关心(concern的ing形式)
B. concerned 关心(concern的过去时和过去分词)
C. concern 关心
D. concerns 关心(concern的三单形式)

41. Pupils may go on and reach certain broad and __general__ understandings which are the final objectives of education itself.
A. strict 严格的
B. narrow 狭窄的
C. vague 模糊的
D. general 普通的

42. To build more __settlements__ on the west bank of this river will lead to more blood shedding.
A. settlements 定居点
B. answers 答案(answer的复数)
C. resolutions 决议(resolution的复数)
D. solutions 解决方案

43. There is a Chinese restaurant in the __neighborhood__ Let's go there for a change.
A. neighborhood 附近
B. society 社会
C. dark 黑暗的
D. substance 物质

44. Small children often wonder what keeps the earth __in place__ in space.
A. in order 整齐
B. in place 在适当的地方
C. in nature 本质上
D. in practice 在实践中

45. In terms of the quality of teaching, the high school my daughter attended __shines__.
A. fights 打架
B. shines 照耀
C. beams 横梁
D. burns 燃烧

46. People who use words skillfully __command__ instant attention and respect.
A. direct 指导
B. order 命令
C. turn 转动
D. command 值得

47. The sun is so large that if it were __hollow__, it would hold a million earths.
A. elegant 高雅的
B. immense 巨大的
C. hollow 中空的
D. vast 广阔的

48. It is day when our side of the earth is turned __toward__ the sun.
A. toward 转向
B. into 到……里面
C. off 离开
D. beyond 超过

49. In spite of the accusation, the suspect __claimed__ to be innocent and kept protesting
A. assumed 假装的
B. claimed 声称
C. presumed 假定的
D. insisted 坚持

50. There are so many mysteries waiting to be __solved__ that it seems that man is not wise enough.
A. opened 打开
B. solved 解答(solve 的过去式和过去分词)
C. unfastened 解开
D. created 创造
解析:solve a mystery 揭开神秘; unfastened 解开,放松

Directions : There are 10 blanks in the following passage.

每一个数字空格,有四个选项,分别标记为A, B, C和D。
For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.

Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET

with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

        When people search online,

they leave a trail that remains stored on the central computers of firms such as Google, Yahoo and Microsoft.

Analyzing what we're looking for on the Web can offer a remarkable __51 insight__ into our anxieties and enthusiasms.
        51. A. investigation 调查
        B. insight 洞悉
        C. consideration 考虑
        D. prospect 前途

        UK writer and Internet expert John Battelle wrote on his blog,

“This can tell us __52 extraordinary__ things about who we are and what we want as a __53 culture__ ".
        52. A. extraordinary 非凡的
        B. obvious 明显的
        C. mysterious 神秘的
        D. sensitive 敏感的

        53. A. culture 文化
        B. nation 国家
        C. person 人
        D. mass 群众的

Google's experimental service Google Trends, for example,

compares the numbers of people searching for different words and phrases from 2004 to the present.

According to these graphs, sometimes people's interests are obviously __54 driven by__ the news agenda:
        54. A. reduced to 减少到
        B. resulting in 导致
        C. backed up by 已备份的
        D. driven by 由…驱动

when the Spice Girls announce a reunion, there's an immediate __55 rush__ to find out more about them.
        55.A. rush 急需的
        B. push 推动
        C. charge 费用
        D. dash 猛冲

Other results are strikingly seasonal:

people go shopping online for coats in winter and short pants in summer.

        The most fascinating possibility is that search data might help __56 predict__ people's behavior.
        56. A. presume 推测
        B. preoccupy 全神贯注
        C. predict 预测
        D. preserve 保存

When we search online for a certain brand of stereo system,

we are surely indicating we're more __57 likely__ to buy that brand.
        57. A. liking 嗜好
        B. alike 相似的
        C. like 喜欢
        D. likely 很可能的

        Perhaps we search for a political candidate's name when we are thinking about __58 voting for__ him or her.
        58. A. fighting against 对抗
        B. voting for 投票赞成
        C. believing in 信仰
        D. running for 竞选

Maybe we even search for “stock market crash" or "recession" just before we start __59 withdrawing from__ our investments.
        59. A. withdrawing from 退出
        B. depositing in 存放在
        C. turning down 拒绝
        D. adding to 加入

This information could clearly be useful to a smart marketer

it's already how Google decides which __60 advertisements__ to show on its search results pages or to a political campaign manager.
        60. A. notices 条款
        B. papers 文件
        C. advertisements 广告
        D. statements 声明

        Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.

        When you speak and write, no law says you have to use big words.

Short words are as good as long ones, and short, old words like sun and grass and home are best of all.

A lot of small words can meet your needs with a strength, grace and charm that large words lack.

        Big words can make the way dark for those who hear what you say and read what you write,

while short words are bright, like sparks that glow in the night.

        If a long word says just what you want, do not fear to use it.

But know that our language is rich in short words.

Make them the spine and the heart of what you speak and write.

Like loyal friends, they will not let you down.

Directions : You are to write in no less than l20 words about the title

“Do You Think Games Are As Important for Adults As They Are for Children?”

You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

1. 你认为游戏对成年人也很重要吗?
2. 请举例说明你的观点。

Do You Think Games Are As Important for Adults As They Are for Children?

        Everyone likes to play games.

So I think games are important at any age,

because by playing games we can keep our mind sharp,

learn new things,and maintain social skills.

People say you can't teach all old dog new tricks.

Modern research has shown that senior citizens can continue to grow brain cells by exercising their mind.

Games are a great way to exercise your mind.

By concentrating on the tactics of the game,memorizing moves,keeping track of your opponents' strategies,

you can keep your brain functioning and growing

        Some games Can teach you a lot.

Games that ask questions,for example, will show you what you don't know.

(Name the capital of Albania, for example. ) It is always easier to learn something when you realize you don't know it.

When you play a game,you have to be considerate of your opponents.

You can observe people's reactions and the way they interact as they play.

It is always interesting to play with other people,as maintaining personal contacts is important for everyone.

Regardless of your age, playing games can help you keep your mind alert,

learn new things, and build friendship.