卷子(四)Paper Four

65 分钟
65 minutes

Directions :In this part, there are 3 dialogues with 3 or 4 blanks,

each followed by 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.

Fill in each blank with the choice that best suits the situation until the dialogue is complete.

With Dialogue One, all the choices will have to be used.

With Dialogue Two and Dialogue Three, one choice will be left unused.

Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

Man:My car is dirty.

Woman : Why don't you wash it?

Man: __1__. C. That's what I'm going to do.

Woman : Are you going to wash it yourself?

Man:Of course. __2__. B. It's not a hard job.

Woman : I'll help you

男人 : 好的,我去拿一个水桶。
Man : Okay, I'll get a bucket.

女人 : 我要先冲洗一下汽车。
Woman : __3__. D. I'll rinse the car first.

Man: Then we can scrub it with a wet sponge and soap.

女人 : 之后。我们可以用毛巾把它擦干。
Woman : __4 A. After that__. we can dry it with a towel.

男人 : 然后看起来就像一辆新车。
Man : Then it will look like a new car.

女人 : 这样你就省了10美元。
Woman : And you save $10.

A. After that. 之后
B. It's not a hard job. 洗车并不难
C. That's what I'm going to do. 我正要洗呢
D. I'll rinse the car first. 我要先冲洗一下汽车

男人 : 我们去散散步吧
Man : Let's take a walk

女人 : 天气如何
Woman : __5__. C. What's the weather like?

男人 : 让我出去看看。哦,有点冷。
Man : Let me step outside and see. __6__. D. Oh, it's a little chilly.

女人 : 所以我得戴上帽子,穿件夹克。
Woman : So I have to put on my cap and wear a jacket.

男人 : 你觉得我们应该带手套吗?
Man : Do you think we should bring our gloves?

女人 : 我想我应该带上,免得一会更冷。这样我们走的时候会暖和一些。
Woman : I think we should, just in case it gets colder. __7__. A. So we'll get warmer as we walk.

男人 : 是的,但是随着太阳下山,天气可能会变冷。
Man : Yes, but it may get colder as the sun goes down.

A. So we'll get warmer as we walk. 这样我们走的时候会暖和一些。
B. I hear that it may snow in the evening. 我听说晚上可能会下雪。
C. What's the weather like? 天气如何
D. Oh, it's a little chilly. 哦,有点冷。

女人 : 我喜欢看《法官朱迪》。
Woman : I love to watch "Judge Judy."

男人 : 那是电视节目吗?
Man : Is that a TV show?

女人 : 是的,它每天下午播出。
Woman : Yes. __8__. C. It's on every afternoon.

男人 : 这个节目好在哪?
Man : What's so good about it?

女人 : 有些案子很有意思。
Woman : __9__. B. They have interesting lawsuits

男人 : 举个例子?
Man : Such as?

女人 : 昨天,一位女士抱怨她在易趣上买了一部手机。
Woman : Yesterday, a woman complained about a cell phone she bought on eBay.

男人 : 电话出问题了吗?
Man : Was something wrong with the phone?

女人 : 这个手机只能在韩国用。
Woman : __10__. D. It works only in South Korea.

男人 : 卖家知道吗?
Man : Did the seller know that?

女人 : 知道,但是他没有告诉买家。
Woman : Yes, and he didn't tell the buyer.

A. I have never watched this program. 我从来没有看过这个节目。
B. They have interesting lawsuits 有些案子很有意思。
C. It's on every afternoon. 它每天下午播出。
D. It works only in South Korea. 这个手机只能在韩国用。

Directions : There are 4 passages in this part.

Each passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements.

每一个都有四个选项,分别标记为A,B, C和D。
For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,B, C and D.

Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

        Wisdom teeth are normally the last teeth to appear.

This usually happens when people are in their late teen years or early twenties-in other words,

when they are older and wiser.

        Wisdom teeth are chewing teeth, at the back of the mouth.

They can grow into place normally and never cause a problem.

But often there is not enough room for them in the mouth.

They might crowd other teeth. Sometimes they even push sideways through the gums(牙床).

        An impacted wisdom tooth is one that fails to completely rise through the gum-the term is erupt.

Wisdom teeth that only partially erupt can leave space for bacteria to enter around the tooth.

Infection is a risk in these cases.

        Wisdom teeth that are not well in place and become impacted are often removed.

People should have the placement of their wisdom teeth examined between the ages of sixteen and twenty.

X-rays can show wisdom teeth that are below the gums.

        The American Dental Association says removal is generally advised when wisdom teeth only partly break through the gums.

Removal is also advised if there is a chance that poorly placed wisdom teeth will damage other teeth.

And removal is called for in cases where fluid collects around a wisdom tooth that is partly or fully below the gum.

        But why do we have wisdom teeth if we often need to get them removed?

One theory has to do with our diets.

Scientists say the diet of prehistoric humans probably required more chewing teeth.

Life was probably a little rougher on the teeth back then, too.

So it was good to have extras.

        The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial(上颌面的) Surgeons says

young adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removal.

The group says older patients may be at greater risk for disease in the tissue surrounding the teeth.

After surgery,there can be swelling of the gums and face and some pain.

Both can be treated with cold wraps and medication(药物治疗).

11. Wisdom teeth will cause problem when _____.
A. they are below the gums 它们在牙龈下面
B. they have erupted from the gums 它们从牙龈中冒出来
C. they don't have place to grow normally 它们没有正常生长的地方
D. people are at their late teens or early twenties 人们才十几岁或二十岁出头

12. The term "erupt" in this passage probably means _____.
A. a tooth suddenly appears 一颗牙齿突然出现
B. a tooth rises through the gum 一颗牙齿从牙龈中钻了出来
C. a wisdom tooth suddenly cause a problem 智齿突然就出问题了
D. a wisdom tooth fails to rise completely 智齿不能完全长出来

13. When a wisdom tooth fails to rise completely, _____.
A. it may need more time to grow 它可能需要更多的时间来成长
B. it may cause swelling in the face 它可能会导致脸部肿胀
C. it may cause infection 可能会引起感染
D. it may be left unnoticed 它可能会被忽视

14. Humans have wisdom teeth probably because _____.
A. our ancestors needed to chew more when they grew up 我们的祖先长大后需要咀嚼更多的食物
B. our ancestors' teeth grew at late teens or early twenties 我们祖先的牙齿是在十几岁或二十岁出头时长出来的
C. our ancestors ate foods without cooking 我们的祖先吃不煮的食物
D. our ancestors had very tough lives 我们的祖先过着非常艰苦的生活

15. The problem wisdom teeth should be removed early, because _____.
A. older patients will feel more pain 老年患者会感到更多的疼痛
B. older patients may face more serious problems 老年患者可能面临更严重的问题
C. wisdom teeth are easier to be removed at young age 智齿在年轻的时候比较容易拔掉
D. young people have stronger resistance to diseases 年轻人对疾病的抵抗力较强

        When you've read the same paragraph 10 times and you still make little of it as you are reading ancient Egyptian,

and you're not studying ancient Egyptian, it's time for you to put the books down.

Experts say good breaks are a critical part of exam preparation and actually make your brain work better.

        Debbie Bruckner, the director of the Student Union Wellness Centre at the University of Calgary,

says an overburdened brain stops processing new information.

"You've got to put it into your short-term memory and then move it into your long-term memory, " she says.

To do that, you need to stop cramming new knowledge into your head.

        Psychologist Joanne Mills says most people can concentrate for 45 minutes to an hour at a time,

but then need 15 minutes to rest.

She suggests picking your break activity -- taking a walk, listening to music - and setting a timer for 15 minutes.

“It's a cue to your mind" she says.

        Mills also suggests setting targets and stopping when you've reached them.

"Some students will take that break even if they haven't finished what they set out to do and then

they don't really relax or enjoy it because their mind is racing with 'I must,I should, I have to.’ "

If you're in the flow, ride the momentum until you come to a natural break in the material,

then set the timer again and walk to the corner store.

        Alternating which books you're hitting also helps.

Work on English for an hour, then switch to math.

It's like exercising multiple muscles at the gym,

as different parts of your brain work for different subjects.

        Bruckner says that to maintain a healthy mind-body-spirit temperament in the heat of exam season,

sit down with your calendar.

        "Make a schedule for a month —— when your assignments are due,

when your final exams are, what the weighting is for each," she says.

16. The author uses "ancient Egyptian" to infer to that the reading is _____.
A. very interesting 很有意思的
B. hard to understand 难以理解
C. very boring 非常乏味的
D. of different culture 不同文化

17. According to Debbie Bruckner. to learn new knowledge well _____.
A. you need to stop learning new information 你需要停止学习新的信息
B. you need to process it as quick as possible 你得尽快处理
c. you should put it into your long-term memory 你应该把它记进你的长期记忆里
D. you don't need to put it into your short-term memory 你不需要把它放进你的短期记忆

18. The word "cram" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
A. put something into a container,especially in a hurry 把东西放进容器里,尤其是匆忙的时候
B. put many things into a place at one time that makes it completely full 一次把很多东西放在一个地方,使它完全满
C. teach students as much as possible in a short time before the examination 在考试前的短时间内尽可能多地教学生
D. put too much knowledge into the brain, although there is hardly enough room for it 把太多的知识放进大脑,尽管它几乎没有足够的空间

19. If you haven't finished the target you set, you should _____.
A. still take the break in every 45 minutes 还是每45分钟休息一次
B. wait until you come to a natural break in the material 等待你手中的材料用尽。
C. set the timer again and walk to the corner store 再设一次计时器,然后去街角的商店
D. stop thinking “I must, I should, I have to" 不要再想“我必须,我应该,我必须”

20. By saying "what the weighting is for each" the author means that you will know _____.
A. which exam is the most important 哪个考试是最重要的
B. what time each exam is 每次考试是什么时候
c. how to balance your time 如何平衡你的时间
D. what is the most important task each table 每个计划表最重要的任务是什么

        All friendships require a certain amount of chemistry.

But when two people of the opposite sex become friends,

sometimes those friendly feelings can start to resemble something more like sexual tension.

        Male-female friendships can be an emotional minefield of hidden desires.

Does this mean you secretly want to jump into bed with all of your friends?

Of course not. But do you ever wonder how many of them might be interested if the opportunity presented itself?

Maybe you and your platonic(柏拉图式的) friendship are just a bad breakup and a bottle of wine away from crossing that boundary and hooking up(结合).

        So can two people of the opposite sex ever really be “just friends? "

对于这个古老的问题,好莱坞的回答是 : 绝对不可以。
The Hollywood answer to this age-old question is a decisive HELL NO.

银幕上,男女友谊总是会变成哈利和莎莉(美国电影When Harry met Sally中的主人公),
On screen, male-female friendships always turn into something more Harry and Sally,

钱德勒和莫妮卡(美国电影Driends中的人物),吉姆和帕姆(美国电视剧The Office中的人物)还需要我举更多的例子吗?
Chandler and Monica, Jim and Pam do I need to go on?

Even the characters in Just Friends wind up becoming much more than the film's definitive title suggests.

Cinematic stories dictate that when reasonably attractive men and women befriend one another,

they are always on the road to romance, whether they realize it or not.

        But how much truth is there to this friendship as foreplay(性爱前奏) theory?

Not a whole lot. Real life isn't a romantic comedy.

Men and women go to school together,

work together and hang out in plenty of platonic settings without falling hopelessly in love with one another.

        Last year, a close female friend of mine moved in with a new male roommate.

My immediate reaction was, “You two are definitely going to sleep together."

It seemed to me that a single man and woman living under the same roof would inevitably end up doing it Much to my surprise,

the roommate romance never happened.

Almost one year later, the two of them have never even come close to seeing each other naked.

Instead, their way of life has come to resemble a sexless marriage.

They cook for each other, argue over domestic chores and insist that they never, ever think about each other "that way."

21. The author believes that two people of the same sex can _____.
A. really be just friends 做真正的朋友
B. never be just friends 永远不要只是朋友
C. have nothing but romance 除了浪漫什么都没有
D. work together better than the same sex 在一起工作比同性更好

22. According to the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph,under the right opportunity, platonic friendship can easily _____.
A. cross the ethnic boundary 跨越种族界限
B. turn into bad relationship 转变成糟糕的关系
C. turn into romance 变成爱情
D. be broken up 破产

23. In the movie Just Friends, the two leading characters _____.
A. are just friends 只是普通朋友
B. have romance 有爱情
C. don't realize their true relationship 没有意识到他们真正的关系
D. can never be friends again 再也不能做朋友了

24. In real life, Hollywood foreplay theory _____.
A. has been proved true 已经被证明是正确的
B. has been practiced a lot 已经练习了很多
C. doesn't work 不起作用
D. is abandoned by people 被人们抛弃

25. In the last paragraph, the man and the woman _____.
A. never become close friends 永远不要成为亲密的朋友
B. end up sleeping together 最后睡在一起
C. end up with a sexless marriage 最终以无性婚姻告终
D. never have romance 从来没有爱情

        It is the world's fourth -most -important food crop,

after maize, wheat and rice.

It provides more calories, more quickly, using less land and in a wider range of climates than any other plant.

It is, of course, the potato.

        The United Nations has hoped that greater awareness of the merits of potatoes will contribute to the achievement of its Millennium Development Goals,

by helping to reduce poverty and promote economic development.

        The potato promoted economic development by supporting the Industrial Revolution in England in the 19th century.

It provided a cheap source of calories and was easy to cultivate,

so it liberated workers from the land.

Potatoes became popular in the north of England,

as people there specialized in livestock farming and domestic industry,

while farmers in the south concentrated on wheat production.

By a happy accident,the concentrated industrial activity in the regions where coal was readily available,

and a potato-driven population boom provided ample workers for the new factories.

Friedrich Engels even declared that the potato was the equal of iron for its "historically revolutionary role"

        In the form of French fries, served alongside burgers and Coca-Cola, potatoes are now a symbol of globalization.

This is quite a change given the skepticism which first greeted them on their arrival in the Old World in the l6th century.

They were variously thought to be fit only for animals,

to be associated with the devil or to be poisonous.

They took hold in 18th-century Europe only when war and famine meant there was nothing else to eat;

people then realized just how useful and reliable they were.

As Adam Smith, one of the potato's many admirers, observed at the time,

"The very general use which is made of potatoes in these kingdoms as food for man is a convincing proof that the prejudices of a nation, with regard to diet,

however deeply rooted, are by no means unconquerable."

Mashed, fried, boiled and roast, a humble potato changed the world,

and people everywhere should celebrate it.

26. Paragraph 3 mainly describes _____.
A. why the potato became popular in the north of England 为什么土豆在英格兰北部流行
B. why the potato was important in England's population growth 为什么马铃薯在英国人口增长中如此重要
C. how the potato contributed to England's industrial development 马铃薯是如何促进英国工业发展的
D. how the potato helped improve England's working conditions 土豆是如何帮助改善英国的工作条件的

27. Friedrich Engels's words show that he _____.
A. thought highly of the potato 对土豆的评价很高
B. took the potato too seriously 把土豆看得太认真了
C. underestimated the role of the potato 低估了土豆的作用
D. lacked the basic knowledge of the potato 缺乏关于马铃薯的基本知识

28. Europeans began to eat potatoes in the 18th century because _____.
A. there was a serious food shortage 食物严重短缺
B. they realized that potatoes tasted good 他们意识到土豆味道很好
C. food safety had been greatly improved 食品安全水平大幅提高
D. eating potatoes had become fashionable 吃土豆已经成为一种时尚

29. What Adam Smith said could be used to demonstrate the potato's _____.
A. general use 一般用途
B. main features 主要特点
C. success story 成功故事
D. bright future 光明的未来

30. The best title for the passage is _____.
A. 2008-the Potato's New Mission 2008年,土豆的新任务
B. In Praise of the Potato 《歌颂土豆》
C. The History of the Potato 马铃薯的历史
D. The Potato and Globalization 土豆与全球化

Directions : There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section.

For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.

Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the centre of the lettre that indicates your choice.

31. The old lady encountered the __very__ young man who had deceived her into buying fake drugs.
A. right(正确的)
B. very(恰好的)
C. actual(真实的)
D. proper(适当的)

32. A new government came to power in China __following__ the defeat of the Nationalists.
A. followed(follow 的过去式和过去分词)
B. follows(follow 的复数)
C. following(排在……之后)
D. follow(跟随)
解析:表示在...之后要用following,而 followed 要接 by sth.

33. We __are having__ a holiday next month. We are inclined to go on a tour of Egypt.
A. are having
B. have had
C. will have had
D. had
解析:进行时有时可以用来表示将来动作,如 she is coming next week

34. __The Chinese__ seem to spend more time learning English instead of __Chinese__.
A. Chinese ... Chinese
B. Chinese. .. the Chinese
C. The Chinese ... the Chinese
D. The Chinese. . Chinese
解析:中国人的表达用 the Chinese,而汉语是Chinese

35. This naughty boy brings me __so__ much trouble that I become desperate at times.
A. such
B. so
C. too
D. very
解析:量词前用 so 修饰。

36. We can prevent domestic violence in __pretty much__ the same way as we do crime.
A. much pretty
B. more pretty
C. pretty much 几乎
D. much prettier
解析:选项中的pretty 和 much 都是副词,much 修饰 the same, 而 pretty 修饰 much

37. The strong accent of the lecturer made his lecture more difficult __to take in__ .
A. taken in
B. taking in
C. to take in 理解
D. to be taken in

38. __Translated__ into Chinese in 2006, The World is Flat has been well received by policy-makers
A. Translated
B. Translating
C. To translate
D. Having been translated

39. Unfortunately,__none__ of the movie stars she hoped to see were present at the press conference
A. nobody
B. nothing
C. none
D. no one
解析:要注意空白处后的介词和句子的谓语形式。of前不宜选nobody,而谓语是were,排除no one。none作主语时可用复数动词形式。

40. The accelerated globalization is thought to be __more__ of a blessing than a curse.
A. rather
B. more
C. better
D. much
解析:句中的 more of a ... than 是个常见的句式,含义是"与...不如"

41. We have similar views on the management of the office. I'll __back__ you__up__ all the time.
A.put... up(安排住宿)
C.break... up(打碎)
D.make... up(弥补)

42. Local residents flocked to the bombarded house to __rescue__ the victims.
A. rescue(营救)
B. bury(埋葬)
C. search(搜索)
D. expose(揭穿)

43. Territories occupied __by force__ can't be free of trouble and riots.
A. by chance(偶然)
B. by force(靠武力)
C. by mistake(错误地)
D. by accident(意外地)

44. Playing games helps children learn to follow rules, take turns and __fit in with__ other kids.
A. go ahead with(继续进行)
B. fit in with(与...一致)
C. come down with(付钱)
D. crack down on(镇压)

45. In a desperate struggle for more ballots,this candidate decided to __reach out__ to women voters.
A. reach out(伸出)
B. wear out(耗尽)
C. look out(注意)
D. give out(分发)

46. __Fed up with__ this dull life, the full-time mom decided to find a part-time job.
A. Tied up with(与…密切联系)
B. Fed up with(受够了)
C. Wrapped upwith(一起包装)
D. Piled up with(堆积的)

47. During WW Ⅱ, some Japanese soldiers committed suicide to show their __loyalty__ to the emperor.
A. loyalty(忠诚)
B. honesty(诚实)
C. liberty(自由)
D. hostility(敌意)

48. About 20 minutes __into__ the game,this player received a red card and was fouled out.
A. into(到……里面)
B. after(在……之后)
C. in(在……内)
D. among(在……中间)

49. If you are going to write textbooks or __compose__ tests, you've got to know the levels of the students well.
A. create(创造)
B. compose(写作)
C. produce(生产)
D. dispose(处理)

50. The funding council should stop supporting low -quality research and put money into improving university teaching __instead__
A. also(而且)
B. otherwise(另外)
C. either(任何一个)
D. instead(反而)
解析:instead 常用于有否定意义的句子,后面的句子中表示“却”

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage.

For each numbered blank. there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.

Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET

with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

Researchers produced evidence to support what most of us already knew--that a cup of tea is the answer to any crisis.

Dr. Malcolm Cross, a psychologist at City University London,

tested the anxiety levels of a group of people following a __51 stressful__ situation
        51. A. light-hearted(轻松的)
        B. serious(严肃的)
        C. comfortable(舒适的)
        D. stressful(紧张的)

and revealed that even a single cup of tea has a __52 significant__ calming effect.
        52. A. significant(有效的)
        B. rigorous(严格的)
        C. severe(严峻的)
        D. selective(有选择性的)

His team gave 42 volunteers a mental arithmetic exam and __53 afterwards__ offered half of them a cup of tea and the other half a glass of water.
        53. A. previously(以前)
        B. afterwards(后来)
        C. besides(此外)
        D. lately(近来)

The water group's anxiety levels soared __54 by__ 25 percent compared to before the task,
        54. A. on(在……之上)
        B. in(在……内)
        C. by(通过)
        D. at(在)

__55 while__ the tea group actually reported a four percent reduction in anxiety--despite the difficult test,
        55. A. while(在……期间)
        B. however(无论如何)
        C. meanwhile(同时)
        D. nevertheless(然而)

they were more relaxed than when they started.

According to a survey carried out for the research,

68 percent of Britons __56 turn to__ tea in a dilemma,
        56. A. give up(放弃)
        B. owe to(归功于)
        C. look on(观看)
        D. turn to(转向)

making it the nation's most common response to trouble of __57 whatever__ kind.
        57. A. whichever(任何一个)
        B. whatever(任何事物)
        C. however(无论如何)
        D. whoever(无论谁)

About 60 percent said the promise of comfort and warmth was the main reason for putting the kettle on.

"The __58 ritual__ of making and drinking tea-particularly during times of stress-is at the very __59 core__ of British culture," Cross said.
        58. A. ceremony(典礼)
        B. function(功能)
        C. ritual(仪式)
        D. observance(惯例)

        59. A. beginning(开始)
        B. moment(片刻)
        C. end(结束)
        D. core(核心)

This study shows that the social psychological __60 aspects__ of tea enhance the effects of its chemical make-up on our bodies and brains.
        60. A. aspects(方面)
        B. faces(表面)
        C. sites(地点)
        D. ways(方法)

Directions : Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET

        In many Western countries,

a considerable number of parents have removed their children from school and are teaching them at home.

Such children do all their normal lessons at home, often under the guidance of a parent.

The first thing to consider is whether this is legal or not.

In most countries it is,

so long as parents can prove that their children are receiving an adequate education, equal to that provided by their state educational system.

The next consideration is whether the parents have the time,

self-discipline, intelligence and patience to teach their own child week after week,

day in and day out, for hours on end.

Then there is the problem of what will be taught, and how.

Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words about the title

"Do You Think Awards and Prizes can Serve a Useful Purpose? "

You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:


Do you think awards and prizes can serve a useful purpose?

        A prize or award, whether it's the Nobel Prize, the Academy Award,

or the Best Handwriting Award in an elementary school, is important.

They can serve a useful purpose,

because they can have economic, personal, and social effects that enrich the life of the winners.

        Prizes like the Nobel Prize are each award.

The winners are encouraged financially.

They can use the money to improve their living and working conditions,

and as we know that many of the winners use the money for their further research and studies.

An award, like the Academy Award, gives people honors.

This is also an encouragement to the recipients.

For example, an actress who wins best actress with the Academy Award

will be offered more roles and a higher pay than actresses who don't win.

Even an elementary school boy who received the school's Best Handwriting Award will be proud of himself

and may get a congratulation gift from his parents or grandparents.

        The personal benefits of receiving any award are evident.

Any award winner is pleased because he or she has been recognized as successful in his or her work.

That's why when many people receive the Academy Award,they often cry because of happiness.

        So we can say that awards and prizes serve a very useful purpose in encouraging people to work harder and to be more successful.