卷子(三)Paper Three

65 分钟
65 minutes

说明 : 在这部分。有3个对话,有3或4个空格,每个空格后面有4个选项,标记为A,B,C和D。
Directions : In this part. there are 3 dialogues with 3 or 4 blanks, each followed by 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.

Fill in each blank with the choice that best suits the situation until the dialogue is complete.

With Dialogue One. all the choices will have to be used.

With Dialogue Two and Dialogue Three, one choice will be left unused.

Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

Woman: You're driving too fast.

男人: 我赶时间
Man: __1__. D. I'm in a hurry.

Woman: Don't ever be in a hurry.

男人:这不是我的错。_____. 是你没有叫醒我。
Man: It's not my fault. __2__. C. You didn't wake me up.

Woman: That's not my fault. You didn't tell me to wake you up.

男人: 嗯,我本来是想让你叫醒我的。
Man: __3__.B. Well,I meant to.

Woman: Don't ever be in a hurry when you're driving.

Man: Why not?

女人:因为你会出事故的。_____。 大多数事故都是因为人们太匆忙。
Woman: Because you'll have an accident. __4__. A. Most accidents are because people are in a hurry.

Man: How do you know that?

Woman: I read a lot.

Man: I thought drunks caused most accidents.

A. Most accidents are because people are in a hurry. 大多数事故都是因为人们太匆忙。
B. Well,I meant to. 嗯,我本来是想让你叫醒我的。
C. You didn't wake me up. 是你没有叫醒我。
D.I'm in a hurry. 我赶时间

Man: Parking at school is impossible.

Woman: I'll say,

Man:__5__. B. I drove around for half an hour.

Woman: Did you find a spot?

Man: I found a spot, but someone cut in and took it from me.

Woman: Did you yell at them?

Man: Yes. I did.

Woman: And?

Man:__6__. D. And he yelled back at me.

Woman: How rude .

男人: 但几分钟后我就幸运的找到了停车位。
Man:__7__. A. But I got lucky a few minutes later.

Woman: You have to be lucky to find a parking space.

A. But I got lucky a few minutes later. 但几分钟后我就幸运了。
B. I drove around for half an hour. 我开车转了半个小时。
C. I hate to drive to school now. 我现在讨厌开车去学校。
D. And he yelled back at me. 他也冲我吼。

Woman: Do you get the Public Broadcasting System on TV?

男人:是的,每个电视都有公共服务频道。 但是我不经常看。
Man: Yes, everybody gets PBS.__8__. B. But I don't watch it often.

Woman: It's boring and often puts me to sleep.

Man: Tell me about it.

女人:一个园艺节目之后是一个烹饪节目。 一个旅游节目接一个旅游节目
Woman: A cooking show follows a gardening show. __9__. C. And a travel show follows another travel show

Man: I'll say! Don't they have any change?

Woman:__10__. A. Now they're adding old TV shows to the old movies.

Man: We sure would like to see something new and interesting

A. Now they're adding old TV shows to the old movies. 现在他们在老电影里加入了老电视节目。
B. But I don't watch it often. 但是我不经常看。
C. And a travel show follows another travel show 一个旅游节目接一个旅游节目
D. Different people have different demands. 不同的人有不同的需求。

Directions : There are 4 passages in this part.

Each passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements.

For each of them there are 4 choices marked A、B、C and D.

Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

        Hope diamond is one of the largest and most famous jewels in the world.

For fifty years, it has been in the collection of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D. C. To mark its anniversary,

the museum is showing the forty-five carat(克拉) blue diamond for the first time without its usual setting.

Visitors call now see the Hope diamond in all its natural beauty.

        The Hope diamond has a long and rich history.

It was formed over a billion years ago far beneath the Earth's surface.

The stone was discovered in a mine in India during the 17th century.

It was more than one hundred carats in weight.

In 1668, the stone was sold to the ruler of France, King Louis the Fourteenth.

        A few years later, the king's jeweler recut the stone to a weight of about 67 carats.

The stone was later lost during the French Revolution.

A recut version of this blue diamond later reappeared in England.

        Different families and jewelry experts have owned the stone over the years.

这颗钻石的名字是由其19世纪的所有者之一亨利·菲利普·霍普(Henry Phillip Hope)命名的。
The diamond received its name from one of its 19th century owners, Henry Phillip Hope.

A wealthy American woman named Evalyn Walsh McLean bought the Hope diamond in 1911.

During her ownership the stone was placed in a setting surrounded by 16 small white diamonds on along diamond chain.

        Last month,the Smithsonian removed the Hope diamond from this setting.

Visitors can see the diamond all by itseff, in all its sparkling blue glory.

In April, the Hope diamond will temporarily be placed in a new necklace before retuning to its original setting.

Also in April, the Smithsonian will release a new movie about the diamond's history.

        The Hope diamond is one of the most visited objects in the museum.

Museum organizers say they wanted people to be able to see the famous stone in a new way.

11. Smithsonian's National Museum is going to show the Hope diamond without its usual setting, because_____.
A. the small diamonds in the old setting are of different color 旧底座上的小钻石颜色不一样
B. the setting has been damaged 设置已经损坏
C. they want people to see it in its natural beauty 他们想让人们看到它的自然美
D. the style of the setting is too old. 布景的风格太旧了。

12. Where was the Hope diamond originally discovered?
A. In India. 印度
B. In France. 法国
C. In England. 英格兰
D. In the U.S. 美国

13. How big is the Hope diamond now?
A. Over 100 carats. 超过100克拉
B. 67 carats. 67克拉
C. 60 carats. 60克拉
D. 45 carats. 45克拉

14. The Hope diamond got its name from _____.
A. one of its founders 它的创始人之一
B. one of its owners 它的一个所有者
C. one of its owners' wish 它的主人之一的愿望
D. Smithsonian's National Museum 史密森国家博物馆

15. The word“anniversary" in the first paragraph probably means _____.
A. the date grand opening 日期盛大开幕
B. re-opening celebration 重新开张的庆祝活动
C. remembering the date of opening 记住开业日期
D. laying a foundation 奠定基础

        Several fishermen in Maine recently completed a study program at the country's first ever "Cod(金枪鱼) School."

It trains fishermen who usually earn aliving fishing in the ocean to be fish farmers.

The program is aimed at helping commercial fishers to find a new way to carry out their trade.

        On a recent moming, a fishing boat left, but the men on the boat were not going fishing, they were going farming.

They are going to move the cages and sorting codfish.

About one and a half kilometers out to sea, the boat finds eight circular pens.

A rubber tube encloses each one.

The pens are covered with netting material to keep out seabirds.

Inside each of the fifty-meter wide areas are up to fifty thousand cod.

Most of these fish will be served on dinner tables around the world.

        The program will teach the students how to feed the fish and not to over-feed the fish.

It means that they should give them enough feed,

and not waste any feed and make it as efficient as possible.

        The fish-farmers in training take turns throwing special fish food into the pen.

Air bubbles appear as thousands of cod come up to feed. They can be seen from the boat with an underwater camera.

        Bill Thompson is one of the Cod School's four students.

He says the program has showed him that fish-farming is a wise choice.

He said: "Even if the wild stocks came back to their fullest capacity they still wouldn't feed the world.

So this is the way of the future.

And it's possible for a family to run a business also."

"金枪鱼学校" 是_____。
16. The“Cod School” is a place where _____.
A. cod fish are trained 金枪鱼经过训练
B. fishermen learn to grow cod fish 渔民学会养金枪鱼的地方
C. a large number of cod fish can be found 可以找到大量的金枪鱼
D. cod fish are kept 饲养金枪鱼

17. The program of Cod School is to help _____.
A. improve fishermen's working condition 改善渔民的工作条件
B. increase fishermen's income 增加渔民收入的
C. reduce cod's time of growth 减少金枪鱼的生长时间
D. fishermen's way of fishing 渔民捕鱼的方式

18. In the“Cod School" cod fish are kept in _____.
A. rubber tubes 橡皮管
B. large boxes 大塑料餐盒
C. large cages 大笼群养
D. open waters 外海

19. If the cod fish are overfed, _____.
A. they would die soon 他们很快就会死去
B. they would be over-weighted 他们将会负担过重
C. the feed would be wasted 饲料会被浪费掉
D. the water in the pens would be polluted 围栏里的水会被污染

20. The purpose of fish-farming is to _____.
A. meet the growing needs of the consumers 满足消费者日益增长的需求
B. protect the wild cod fish from dying out 保护野生金枪鱼免于灭绝
C. help fishermen run their own business 帮助渔民经营自己的生意
D. teach fishermen about high technology 教渔民高科技

        The United Nations declared 2011 to 2012 the Year of the Bat.

The campaign was launched as a way to strengthen efforts for protecting the world's only flying mammal.

These creatures can be found in many parts of the world.

Bats live in cities, deserts, grasslands and forests.

There are over 1,200 bat species.

        The smallest bat in the World is from Southeast Asia.

This kind of bat measures about 30 millimeters in length.

The world's largest bat, the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox, has a wingspan of 1.5 meters.

Most bats eat insects,but many feed on fruit or nectar from flowers.

        Many people think bats are blind, but this is not true.

Many species have very good sight.

Most bats communicate and find their way by making "echolocation"(回声定位法) noises.

They produce high-frequency noises and can estimate the distance of an object by using the sound echoes that bounce back to them.

So,while bats may travel in total darkness, they "see" using sound.

        Sadly, bats are widely feared and misunderstood. Most bats come out of their shelters only at nightfall.

Three bat species feed on blood.

Because of these qualities, bats have long been linked in many cultures to death, darkness and blood-drinking

        Yet bats are important for agriculture and our environment.

They help pollinate(授粉) plants and spread seeds.

They also help control insects.

Bats eat huge numbers of insects including kinds that damage crops.

        For example,a brown bat can eat more than 1.000 insects in one hour.

One report says bats save American farmers billions of dollars every year by reducing crop damage and limiting the need for chemicals that kill insects.

        over one-fifth of all bat species are under threat.

They face disease and the human destruction of their natural environments.

In some areas, diseases have killed nearly 100% of bat populations.

联合国宣布2011年至2012年为蝙蝠年,因为蝙蝠 _____。
21. The United Nations declared 2011 to 2012 the Year of the Bat, because bats _____.
A. are beneficial animals 是有益的动物
B. are close to extinction 濒临灭绝
C. have been misunderstood 一直被误解
D. are under serious threat 面临严重威胁

蝙蝠能在黑暗中飞行,因为 _____ 。
22. Bats can fly in total darkness, because_____.
A. their eye sight is extremely sharp 它们的视力非常敏锐
B. they can fly without using their sight 它们不用视力也能飞
C. they don't have eye sight in daytime 他们白天看不见东西
D. they are very familiar with their environment 他们对自己所处的环境非常熟悉

许多人害怕蝙蝠是因为 _____ 。
23. Many people fear bats because _____.
A. many cultures connect bats with unpleasant things 许多文化将蝙蝠与不愉快的事物联系在一起
B. bats are very ugly in appearance 蝙蝠的外表很丑陋
C. bats are thought to be blind 人们认为蝙蝠是瞎的
D. bats camy deadly diseases with them 蝙蝠可以携带致命的疾病

可以得出结论 _____ 。
24. It can be concluded that _____.
A. bats are more easily to be killed by diseases 蝙蝠更容易被疾病杀死
B. bat population has been reduced sharply these days 这些天蝙蝠的数量急剧减少
C. bats can help farmers save crops and money 蝙蝠可以帮助农民节约农作物和资金
D. bats'living environment has been mostly destroyed 蝙蝠的生存环境已基本被破坏

“花蜜”这个词在第二段的意思可能是 _____ 。
25. The word "nectar" in the second paragraph probably means _____.
A. the flowers' eyes 花的眼睛
B. the flowers' leaves 花的叶子
C. the smell produced by flowers 花的气味花产生的气味
D. the liquid produced by flowers 花产生的液体

Americans are more socially isolated than they were 20 years ago, separated by work, commuting and the single life, researchers reported.

Nearly a quarter of people surveyed said they had "zero" close friends with whom to discuss personal matters.

More than 50 percent named two or fewer close friends. the researchers said.

杜克大学教授Lynn Smith-Lovin说:“这是一个巨大的社会变化,它表明了一些对社会有害的东西。”
This is a big social change and it indicates something that's not good for our society, said Duke University Professor Lynn Smith-Lovin.

Smith-Lovin's group used data from a national survey of 1,500 American adults that has been ongoing since 1972.

She said it indicated people had a surprising drop in the number of close friends since 1985.

At that time, Americans most commonly said they had three close friends whom the had known for a long time,

saw often, and with whom they shared a number of interests.

They were almost as likely to name four or five friends,

and the relationships often sprang from their neighborhoods or communities.

Ties to a close network of friends create a social safety net that is good for society.

Research has also linked social support and civic participation to a longer life, Smith-Lovin said.

The data also show the social isolation trend mirrors other class divides:

Non-whites and people with less education tend to have smaller social networks than white Americans and the highly educated.

That means that in daily life, personal emergencies and national disasters such as Hurricane Katrina,

those with the fewest resources also have the fewest personal friends to call for advice and assistance.

It's one thing to know someone and exchange e-mails with them.

It's another thing to say,' Will you give me a ride out of town with all of my possessions and pets?

我能和你住一两个月或三个月吗?, Smith-Lovin说。
And can I stay with you for a couple or three months?, Smith-Lovin said.

Worrying about social isolation is not a matter of remembering a warm past.

Real things are strongly connected with that, added Harvard University Public Policy Professor Robert Putnam.

He suggested flexible work schedules would allow Americans to tend both personal and professional lives.

美国人被社会孤立的一个原因是 _____ 。
26. One reason for the social isolation of Americans is _____.
A. frequent relocation 频繁的迁移
B. frequent traveling 频繁的旅行
C. living alone 独居
D. working flexible hours 弹性工作时间

27. The percentage of people with more than two close friends is about _____.
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 60%
D. 75%

根据文章,人与人之间紧密的社会关系是 _____ 。
28. According to the passage,close social ties among people are _____.
A. a must for social progress 这是社会进步的必然要求
B. beneficial for the family 对家庭有益
C. a source of happiness 幸福的源泉
D. good for people's health 有益于人们的健康

29. It is implied that _____ tend to live a more socially isolated life.
A. people in the higher social ladder 处于较高社会阶层的人
B. people in the lower social ladder 处于社会底层的人
C. people with a longer life span 寿命较长的人
D. people with a shorter life span 寿命较短的人

罗伯特·帕特南说 _____。
30. According to Robert Putnam, _____.
A. it is useless to worry about social isolation 担心社会孤立是没有用的
B. social isolation is not necessarily bad for us 社会孤立并不一定对我们有害
C. it is time to do something about social isolation 是时候对社会孤立做些什么了
D. social isolation does not mean the end of society 社会孤立并不意味着社会的终结

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section.

For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A,B,Cand D.

Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

31. Marco Polo was probably the first westerner __to write__ about China, a land unknown to Europeans.
A. to write 写作
B. written 写(write的过去分词)
C. wrote 写(write的过去式)
D. writing 写作(write 的现在分词)

32. Adequate preparations have to be made in order to make this concert __a success__.
A. to succeed 成功
B. succeeded 成功(succeed过去分词)
C. a success 一个成功的人或事
D. successfully 成功地

33. The trip to this city gave me the impression __that__ it is not worth a second visit.
A. which 哪一个
B. where 在哪里
C. that 那个
D. as 由于

34. You can hardly imagine how difficult __it is__ to find a decent job at a big company
A. is it
B. it is
C. she is
D. is she

35. You have plenty of time to go, so take it __easy__.
A. easily 容易地
B. easy 容易的
C. ease 容易
D. at easy 容易的

36. __This__ is what bothers me: we have no time to consider late applications
A. That
B. Which
C. As
D. This

37. Many a language __has become__ extinct over the centuries and some are near extinction.
A. have become(已经成为)
B. has become(已经成为(has为have的第三人称单数形式))
C. had become
D. was become

38. Each province or region is trying different means to make local change __felt__.
A. feel 感觉
B. feeling 感觉(feel的现在分词)
C. felt 感觉(feel 的过去式和过去分词)
D. be felt

39. That is what __I believe__ will happen to her if she refuses to mend her manners.
A. I believe 我相信
B. is believed 相信
C. do I believe 我能相信你吗
D. believe me 相信我

40. This kind of __book__ is readily available. There is no need to hurry.
A. books 书籍(book的复数)
B. a book 一本书
C. the book 圣经
D. book 书籍

41. This new drug has also helped people to keep doing everyday things __on their own__ longer.
A. of their own 他们自己的
B. on their own 凭自己的力量
C. for their own 为自己
D. with their own 他自己

42. This mom has learned that she can no longer afford to be lazy and let her money __take care of__ itself.
A. let go of 释放
B. take care of 处理
C. take notice of 注意到
D. make sense of 搞清…的意思

43. At 61,the mom still cares for her son,Jason,36,and his child __by__ his ex-wife.
A. with
B. from
C. by
D. on

44. As she was __wheeled__ away to the operating room, she looked back and gave me a reassuring smile.
A. wedged(锲入(wedge的过去式和过去分词))
B. whistled(吹口哨)
C. woken(唤醒;觉醒(wake的过去分词))
D. wheeled(滚动;装轮子(wheel的过去分词))

45. The girl fresh from college __fell out__ with the boss and was ready to leave the job.
A. fell through 未能实现
B. fell in 排队
C. fell behind 落伍
D. fell out 争吵

46. We are __intimate__ friends and I enjoy your company, especially when I feel lonely.
A. corporative(法人的)
B. intimate(亲密的)
C. common(共同的)
D. intensive(加强的)

47. In a desire to be socially accepted, most of us __go through__ the day attempting to avoid appearing out of the mainstream.
A. go through(通过)
B. go up(增长)
C. go along(进行)
D. go without(没有…也行)

48. The movie Titanic, impressive and __moving__ ,was a great hit both at home and abroad.
A. striking(显著的)
B. missing(想念)
C. moving(感动)
D. shocking(令人震惊的)

49. She said,"You can call me at work. The __extension__ number of my office is 2020",
A. expansion(膨胀)
B. extension(分机)
C. extraction(取出)
D. exposure(暴露)

50. Having worked as a(n) __associate__ professor for five years, he is considering becoming a full professor.
A. vice(恶习)
B. secondary(副手;代理人)
C. associate((与某组织或企业)联合的;副的)
D. deputy(副的;代理的)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage.

For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A,B, C and D.

Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET

with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

Blue collar and government jobs are among the most __51 promising__ careers for US graduates,
        51. A. profitable(有利可图的)
        B. promising(有前途的)
        C. prompt(敏捷的)
        D. progressive(进步的)

according to US News magazine's 2010 Best Careers report.

US employers are increasingly offshoring professional jobs.

This means less jobs __52 require__ college-graduate skills, the magazine says.
        52. A. acquire(获得)
        B. inquire(询问)
        C. require(需要;要求)
        D. request(请求;需要)

As in many other countries, US high school students are told that college is the __53 way__.
        53. A. route(路线)
        B. road(公路,马路;道路)
        C. passage(通过通道)
        D. way(出路;道路)

So there's a growing __54 shortage__ of skilled people in jobs that don't require a college education.
        54. A. shortage(缺乏)
        B. necessity(需要)
        C. decrease(减少)
        D. increase(增加)

But the report also says that some rewarding blue-collar careers,

such as technical work in the biomedical equipment and security systems sectors,

are more __55 likely to go__ to college graduates.
        55. A. capable of going(有能力的)
        B. likely to go(很可能的)
        C. prone to going(容易发生)
        D. able to go(能够)

These are more knowledge-based than the usual blue-collar jobs.

Government is becoming an employer of __56 choice__.
        56. A. right(正确的)
        B. election(选举)
        C. choice(精选品)
        D. occasion(时机,机会)

Corporations, fueled by pressures to compete globaly, continue to get ever __57 leaner__.
        57. A. fatter(更胖的)
        B. heavier(沉重的)
        C. lighter(更明亮的)
        D. leaner(效率更高的)

Non -profit organizations are increasingly strapped for cash.

Government is able to pay employees well, __58 whether or not__ so their practices are economically sound, the magazine says.
        58. A. whether or not(不论,是否)
        B. now and then(偶尔;有时)
        C. off and on(断断续续地)
        D. so and so(如此这般)

The report also indicates that social __59 status__ may be the enemy of contentment in career.
        59. A. post(岗位)
        B. status(地位)
        C. level(水平)
        D. grade(等级)

People are flocking in greater numbers to careers in the law, medicine and architecture.

Yet recent surveys of job satisfaction in those professions __60 paint__ a less-than-rosy picture.
        60. A. purchase(购买)
        B. demonstrate(证明)
        C. paint(描绘)
        D. alter(改变)

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET

        We all have strengths and weaknesses.

A good manager concentrates on bringing out of each employee's best side and combining those strengths so they complement each other.

        Since no one person can have all the skills needed to successfuly operate any organization,

we need to build your team in a way that makes use of these skills.

That is no small matter.

        You must begin by knowing your team members.

When you know people you learn what motivates them and what demotivates them.

You learn how they interact with certain people and under certain conditions.

You pay attention to their working style, how they get things done.

Only with this kind of information can you get the most out of all people,

and merge their talents to get the most out of the team.

说明 : 你要写不少于120字关于标题
Directions : You are to write in no less than 120 words about the title

"Finding a Job in a Big City or a Small Town?"

You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:


Finding a Job in a Big City or a Small Town?

        I think college graduates should not just concern themselves with getting a job with a big company in a big city.

They can also establish themselves in small towns or in underdeveloped places.

        The unemployment rate of Chinese college graduates has soared in recent years,

which can partly be attributed to their unrealistic expectations.

Many want a job with a famous company

but turn a cold shoulder to jobs in rural areas or small towns,

thinking working there is a waste of their talent.

        Is it true that a person cannot achieve much unless working in a big city or big company?

        The story of my friend Xiao Wu gives that question a negative answer.

        Xiao Wu was a former investment manager with a well-known company and had a PhD in finance.

He resigned from his post and took over his mother's pig farm in his hometown.

He has made a fortune through his flourishing pig farm business.

He had the courage to abandon his established career

because he saw the potential in rural areas brought about by new policies in recent years to accelerate the development of agriculture and the rural economy, and to increase the income of farmers.

        His success is a result of his down-to-earth manner and his boldness.

Indeed, big companies and big cities can provide fresh graduates with a better chance for promotion and a wider field of vision.

But college graduates can also learn some practical skills if they begin their career in grassroots companies or institutions.

        Successful people are those who are courageous enough to break down outdated ideology.

People can make their careers in the countryside as well as in big cities.