卷子(二)Paper Two

65 分钟
65 minutes

说明 : 在这部分。有3个对话,有3或4个空格,每个空格后面有4个选项,标记为A,B,C和D。
Directions : In this part. there are 3 dialogues with 3 or 4 blanks, each followed by 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.

Fill in each blank with the choice that best suits the situation until the dialogue is complete.

With Dialogue One. all the choices will have to be used.

With Dialogue Two and Dialogue Three,one choice will be left unused.

Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

女人 : 我不喜欢坐公交车。
Woman : I don't like riding buses.

男人 :为什么不喜欢?
Man:__1 B. Why not?__.

女人 : 他们很少准时。 而且座位和窗户都很脏。
Woman: They are seldom on time. __2 C. Besides seats and windows are dirty.__.

男人 : 他们不是每天晚上都打扫公共汽车吗?
Man: Don't they clean the bus every night?

女人 : 我想是的, 但是车上乘客太多,就不可能很干净
Woman :__3 A. I think they do __ , but with too many passengers on them, they can't be very clean.

男人 : 你应该带一些湿巾。
Man:You should bring some wipes with you.

女人 : 这是个好主意
Woman ; That's a good idea

男人 : 然后你可以擦你的座位和窗户。
Man : Then you can wipe your seat and window.

女人 : 人们会觉得我很奇怪。
Woman : People will think I'm strange.

男人 : 谁在乎呢? 每个人都有奇怪的地方。
Man: Who cares? __4 D. Everyone is strange.__。

女人 : 那倒是真的。
Woman : That's for sure.

男人 : 不要在意别人的看法。
Man : Don't worry about what people think.

A. I think they do 我想是的
B. Why not? 为什么不喜欢?
C. Besides seats and windows are dirty. 而且座位和窗户都很脏。
D. Everyone is strange. 每个人都有奇怪的地方。

男人 : 我非常喜欢这本杂志
Man : I like this magazine very much.

女人 : 我也是。
Woman : So do I.

男人 : 我读过一次,然后我每周都买
Man: I read it once, then __5__. D. I buy it every week.

女人 : 是什么让你这么感兴趣?
Woman : What makes you so interested in it?

男人 : 这本杂志的新闻很全面。所有的新闻只有50页。
Man : It gives you all the news. __6__. C. All the news in only 50 pages.

女人 : 你最喜欢哪个部分?
Woman : What section do you like most?

男人 : 我喜欢政治漫画和出售房屋的漂亮照片。
Man : I like the political cartoons and the beautiful photos of the houses for sale.

女人 : 我总是看电影评论,而且从来不错过食物和饮料部分。
Woman : I always read the film reviews and I never miss the food and drink section.

男人 : 我把它推荐给我父母了。 他们还取消了其他的新闻杂志。
Man : I recommended it to my parents. __7__. B. And they canceled their other news magazines.

女人 : 我也是。他们也很喜欢。
Woman : Me too. And they also like it.

A. But nobody likes the other sections. 但没有人喜欢其他部分。
B. And they canceled their other news magazines. 他们还取消了其他的新闻杂志。
C. All the news in only 50 pages. 所有的新闻只有50页。
D. I buy it every week. 我每周都买。

女人 : 医生怎么说你的胃痛?
Woman : What did the doctor say about your stomachache?

男人 :他觉得我压力太大了。
Man:__8__. B. He thinks I have too much stress.

女人 : 压力会导致胃痛吗?
Woman: Can stress cause stomachaches?

Man : Stress causes different problems with different people.

女人 :那他让你做什么?
Woman : So what did he tell you to do?

男人 : 他说我要思想乐观一些。
Man: __9__. A. He said I need to think positive.

女人 : 那你怎么样才能思想乐观呢?
Woman : But how do you think positive?

男人 : 我可以想一些美好的事情。
Man:__10__. D. I think about nice things.

女人 : 什么事呢?
Woman : Like what?

男人 : 比如在海滩上把我的脚趾放在沙子里。
Man : Like a day at the beach, with my toes in the sand.

A. He said I need to think positive. 他说我要思想乐观一些
B. He thinks I have too much stress. 他觉得我压力太大了。
C. He said that I should take some medicine. 他说我应该吃些药。
D. I think about nice things. 我可以想一些美好的事情。

Directions : There are 4 passages in this part.

Each passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements.

For each of them there are 4 choices marked A.B ,C and D.

Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

        Many older Americans spend their final years in a nursing home or assisted living center.

These places provide services that help older adults with activities they can no longer do on their own.

However,most people say they would like to remain in their own homes.

Now, there are nonprofit groups that help them do that.

        Philip Smith is ninety-one years old and lives with his wife in an old house in Seattle, Washington.

And he wants to keep it that way. He always says:"As far as I'm concerned, I would not like to leave this place.

Living in a group situation is something I couldn't tolerate,

I'd kill myself before I had to do that."

        Mr. Smith says now he and his wife can take good care of themselves in their two-level house.

But he and his wife know they will soon need help with simple housework.

Work like changing a light bulb that hangs at the top of the stairs.

In the past, an older American would ask one of their children or a neighborhood teenager to change the light bulb.

But here. those young helpers have grown up and gone.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith have three children, but they all live in other states.

So they are considering joining a "virtual village."

This is a local group of volunteers and service providers that help older adults.

They might help these adults with anything from transportation to small home repairs and dog walking.

        The virtual village idea was first developed about ten years ago in Boston, Massachusetts.

The idea has spread to an unofficial network of villages around the country.

One hundred fifty are currently in development.

11. Mr. Smith doesn't like living in a nursing home, because _____.
A. he hates to live with many other people together 他不喜欢和很多人一起生活
B. he is afraid that he will kill hiniself there 他害怕他会在那里自杀
C. older people are treated badly there 老年人在那里受到虐待
D. he and his wife have heir own house 他和他妻子有自己的房子

12. Now Mr. and Mrs. Smith can't get help from their children,because _____.
A. nowadays children wouldn't like to help their parents 现在的孩子不愿意帮助他们的父母
B. their children are married and busy all the time 他们的孩子都结婚了,而且一直很忙
C. their children have grown up and long gone 他们的孩子已经长大成人,早已离开
D. traditionally, cluldren have no responsibility to help their parents 传统上,孩子们没有帮助父母的责任

13. What volunteer service for the seniors is not mentioned in the passage?
A. Providing ride for them. 为他们提供交通工具。
B. Changing light bulbs for them. 给他们换灯泡。
C. Taking their dogs for a walk. 带着他们的狗去散步。
D. Cooking meals for them. 为他们做饭。

14. What is the idea of "virtual village"?
A. Building more nursing home in the countryside. 在农村建设更多的养老院。
B. Seniors live in their own home with the help of volunteers. 老年人在志愿者的帮助下住在自己的家里。
C. Arranging older people to live in group situations. 安排老年人集体居住。
D. Encouraging children to live with their older parents together. 鼓励孩子与年长的父母住在一起。

15. The difference between nursing home and virtual village is that _____
A. the former provides help for older people with activities 前者为老年人提供活动帮助
B. the former provides medical treatment for the older people 前者为老年人提供医疗服务
C. in the latter older people can get help in their own home 后者,老年人可以在自己的家里得到帮助
D. in the latter older people get help from volunteers 后者,老年人得到志愿者的帮助

        Do American children still learn handwriting in school?

In this age of the keyboard, some people seem to think handwriting lessons are on the way out.

        We asked Professor Steve Graham at Vanderbilt Universitv in Nashville, Tennessee.

He told us that he has been hearing about the death of handwriting for the past fifteen years.

He said: "if the results of a survey we had published this year are accurate,

it is being taught by about ninety percent of teachers in grades one to three."

        Ninety percent of teachers also say they are required to teach handwriting.

But studies have yet to answer the question of how well they are teaching it.

Professor Graham said: "One study published this year found that about three out of every four teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting.

        And then when you look at how it's taught,

you have some teachers who are teaching handwriting by providing instruction for ten, fifteen minutes a day,

and then other teachers who basically teach it for sixty to seventy minutes a day--which really for handwriting is pretty much death."

        Many adults remember learning that way-by copying letters over and over again.

Today's thinking is that short periods of practice are better.

Many experts also think handwriting should not be taught by itself.

Instead, they say it should be, used as a way to get students to express ideas.

After all, that is why we write.

        Handwriting involves two skills. One is legibility, which means forming the letters so they can be read.

The other is fluency--writing without having to think about it.

Experts say fluency continues to develop up until high school.

        But not everyone masters these skills.

Teachers commonly report that about one-fourth of their kids have poor handwriting.

Some people might think handwriting is not important anymore because of computers and voice recognition programs.

        But Steve Graham at Vanderbilt said:

"Word processing is rarely done in elementary school, especially in the early years.

Even with high school teachers,

we find that less than fifty percent of assignments are done via word processing or with word processing.

And, in fact, if we added in taking notes and doing tests in class,

most of the writing done in school is done by hand."

16. Some people think handwriting lessons are out of date. because _____.
A. handwriting lessons take too much of their time 手写课占用了他们太多的时间
B. handwriting lessons are boring for kids 孩子们的书法课很无聊
C. they write little at present time 他们现在很少写东西
D. they write through computers not by handwriting 他们通过电脑而不是手写来写作

17. According to the survey published by professor Steve Graham _____.
A. most teachers in grades one to three still teach handwriting 一到三年级的大多数老师仍然教书法
B. 3/4 teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting 3/4的老师说他们不准备教书法
C. most students in grades one to three have learned handwriting well 一到三年级的大多数学生已经把书法学好了
D. most teachers think handwriting should not be taught by itself 大多数老师认为书法不应该自学

18. Students will learn handwriting well by _____.
A. learning by themselves 加强自学
B. practicing it once in a short time 短时间内练习一次
C. practicing it more than an hour a day 每天练习一个小时以上
D. copying letters over and over again 一遍又一遍地抄信

19. The purpose for us to write is to _____.
A. communicate with others 与别人沟通
B. show our education levels 显示我们的教育水平
C. express our ideas 表达我们的想法
D. record our activities 记录我们的活动

20. According to the author, handwriting lessons _____.
A. are on the way out 正在消失
B. will be replaced by word processing 会被文字处理取代
C. have been cut out by most elementary schools 被大多数小学砍掉了
D. are still necessary for elementary school students 对小学生来说仍然是必要的

        Some prisoners in the United States create works of art.

Prison art is sold in art galleries(画廊)in the Washington D. C. area.

The profits are split among the artists and the Prisons Foundation, a not-for-profit group in the nation's capital.

The Prisons Foundation supports the arts in prisons

and programs designed to help keep people out of jail.

        Some prisoners create pictures filled with images of natural beauty.

It helps them remember the world they left behind.

Dennis Sobin served twelve years in prison.

He created the Prisons Foundation while he was jailed.

He said :"Art is a cure and remedy for prisoners.

And prison art is often full of emotion".

        Dennis Sobin now owns the Watergate Gallery. which sells prisoner art.

He said : "There's a lot of sensitivity in this art. You can see what people are thinking."

        Brian Driggers was released from prison recently.

He created a lot of art during his eight years in prison.

Some of it is in the Crime and Punishment Museum in Washington.

He used a pen in his art.

Paint and brushes were not permitted in the prison because they could be used for body art.

He told us about what he used to create a picture of his wife.

        He said:"I created the brush out of my own hair.

I would cut a lot of my hair out, tie it up with thread, and then use a pen.

And then paint with instant coffee.

You could mix it down with different levels of water to create different tones and use it as a watercolor medium."

        Mr. Driggers also created a picture of himself using color chalks.

He said: "The shapes are broken apart. and what that implies to is my life had completely fallen apart.

and the meaning behind that is for me to come back together again."

21. Some prisoners like to create art of natural beauty because _____.
A. prisons are usually built in the wild 监狱通常建在野外
B. they miss their homes and families 他们想念他们的家和家人
C. they are unable to get close to it 他们无法接近它
D. they have no access to other themes 他们无法接触其他主题

22. According to the founder of the Prisons Foundation , prison art _____.
A is more popular among artists 更受艺术家欢迎
B. can reflect the real society 能反映现实社会
C. can make people think deeply 能使人深思
D. is meaningful and emotional 是有意义的,情绪化的

23. Mr. Driggers used coffee and the brush made of his own hair to paint the picture of his wife, because _____.
A. he jnissed his wife so much 他经常欺骗他的妻子
B. paint and brushes are not allowed in prison 监狱里不允许使用颜料和刷子
C. he punished himself for he had let his wife down 他因让妻子失望而惩罚自己
D. he had nothing else to painl in prison 他在监狱里没有别的痛苦了

24. Mr. Driggers thought the meaning of his own picture was that ____.
A. his future would be uiiiniaginable 他的未来是可想而知的
B. he would change himself and start with a clean new life 他要改变自己,开始全新的生活
C. his life had been completely ruined 他的生活甚至完全被毁了
D. he would be released from the prison soon 他很快就会从监狱里释放出来

25. We can learn from the passage that prison art is ____.
A a good way to help prisoners go back to society 这是帮助囚犯重返社会的好方法
B. very valuable in the an market 在市场上很有价值
C. a way for prisoners to pass time 犯人消磨时间的一种方式
D. a way to train famous aritsts 培养著名艺术家的一种方式

        Did your mum and dad go to university, or did they leave school and go straight to the Job Centre?

The educational experience of parents is still important when it comes to how today's students choose an area of study and what to do after graduation.

according to The Future-track research in the UK

        The research was done by the Higher Education Career Service Unit.

It plans to follow university applicants for six years from 2006 through their early careers.

        The first year's findings come from a study of 130.000 university applicants.

They show significant differences in prospective students' approach to higher education,

depending on whether their parents got degrees (second -generation applicants )or didn't (first-generation applicants).

        First-generation applicants were more likely to say

that their career and employment prospects were uppermost in their minds in deciding to go to university.

About one-fifth of this group gave "to enable me to get a good job" as their main reason for choosing high education.

And 37 percent said that a degree was "part of my career plan".

        A young person coming from a non-professional household where finances are stretched

may find the idea of learning for its own sake to be a luxury.

This explains the explosion in vocational courses.

        At Portsmouth University, first -year student Kim Burnett, 19,

says that she specifically chose her degree in health research management and psychology to get a secure, well-paid job.

Harriet Edge, 20, studying medicine at Manchester University, also wanted job security.

Her parents lacked college degrees, though the fact that her uncle is a doctor appears to have influenced her choice.

        "Medicine is one of those fields where it's pretty likely you'll get a job at the end.

That's a big plus, as the debt levels after five years of study are going to be frightening," she says.

Many experts believe that this situation affects those with no family tradition of higher education far more keenly.

The fact that 26 percent of respondents said that they needed more advice implies

that some students may end up feeling that their higher education investment was not worthwhile.

        For those with graduate parents,this lack of guidance may?

研究人员建议, 对于那些没有这些优势的人来说,
the researchers suggest, be less of a problem, "But, for those without the advantages,

lack of access to career guidance before applying for higher education leaves them exposed to making poorer choices,"

the survey concludes.

这篇文章的主要观点是 _____ ?
26. The main idea of the passage is that _____?
A. parents' experiences are more impoilant for their children's education 父母的经历对孩子的教育更重要
B. parents' careers are vitally important for their children's degrees 父母的职业对孩子的学位至关重要
C. students' approach to higher education correlates with their parents' educational experience 学生接受高等教育的方式与其父母的教育经历有关
D. students' career and employment prospects are decided by their parents 学生的职业和就业前景是由他们的父母决定的

27. A young person coming from a non-professional household _____.
A. is less likely to get financial aid to go to university 获得上大学助学金的可能性更小
B. is more likely to choose vocational education 更有可能选择职业教育
C. may think learing for pleasure is a good idea 认为以学习为乐是个好主意
D. may choose to study for a professional degree 可以选择攻读专业学位

Kim Bunett和Harriet Edge在以下哪些方面有共同之处?
28. In which of the following aspects do Kim Bunett and Harriet Edge have in common?
A. They both chose their majors because of their family influence. 他们都是由于家庭的影响而选择了自己的专业。
B. They are both the first-year students in university. 他们都是大学一年级学生。
C. Both of their parents lack college degrees. 他们的父母都没有大学学历。
D. Both of them chose degrees for job security. 他们都是为了工作安全而选择学位的。

29. It is implied that _____.
A. the cost of a degree in medicine is very high 获得医学学位的费用很高
B. higher education investment in medicine is not worthwhile 对医学的高等教育投资是不值得的
C. a student without family medical tradition is less likely to choose medicine 一个没有家庭医学传统的学生不太可能选择医学
D. medicine is a field where every degree-holder can get a job 医学是每个有学位的人都能找到工作的领域

30. Those with graduate parents may _____.
A. make poorer choices when choosing their majors 在选择专业时做出糟糕的选择
B. make better choices when applying for higher education 在申请高等教育时做出更好的选择
C. not need career guidance before graduation 毕业前不需要职业指导
D. have no problems in applying for a coilege 申请大学没有问题吗

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section.

For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.

Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

31. You must have read the book, __didn't you__?
A. didn't you(是不是)
B. mustn't you
C. do you(你愿意吗)
D. will you(会不会)

32. The fact that the child was born __weak__ didn't prevent him from performing well at school.
A. weak(虚弱的)
B. weakly(虚弱地)
C. weakness(弱点)
D. weaken(变弱)

33. With so many things __to attend to__ ,the lady could hardly find any time for a cup of coffee.
A. attending to
B. attended to
C. to attend to(照顾)
D. being attended
解析:attend to 是个词组,含义是“处理、照料”。由于主句说明是同时的动作,选C最合适

34. Tourists to Sichuan are impressed by the __surprisingly__ beautiful scenery and various foods.
A. surprised
B. surprisingly(出人意料地)
C. surprising
D. surprise

35. It is true that a townhouse is more comfortable __to live in__ ,but it is beyond our budget.
A. to live in(住在)
B. for living in
C. to be lived in
D. living in

36. __Honestly__ speaking, the teaching of Chinese has been neglected to some extent.
A. Honest
B Honestly(老实说)
C. Honesty
D. More honest

37. Researchers have tried to identify the cause of SARS one way or __another__ ,there is. however,a long way to go.
A, other
B. another
C. the other
D. else
解析:one way or another 是固定结构,意义是以某种方式。

38. Though customs vary from __country__ to __country__ ,people across the world have learned to respect each other.
A. a country .. a country
B. countries... countries
C. country... country
D. a country.. another country

39. A trip to the moon is __what__ many children dream of when looking into the sky at night.
A. that
B. which
C. where
D. what
解析:what children dream of 儿童梦想的事。

40. There are some people who have lived __as long as__ over 100 years while enjoying good health.
A. as many as
B. as much as
C. as long as
D. as far as
解析:live as long as 100 years 的含义是长达100岁

41. Some scientists believe that altering genes to extend life span may not be __far off__.
A. high above(高高在上)
B. well back(很久以前)
C. better off(富裕)
D. far off(久远)

42. It took them quite some time to __come to terms with__ their rivals before thinking how to do.
A. come to terms with(达成协议)
B. come up with(赶上)
C. keep pace with(保持同步)
D. come to grips with(设法对付)

43. A famous designer will help her to __work out__ what she is to wear at her husband's swearing-in.
A. put out(出版)
B. work out(设计)
C. lay out(展示)
D. dig out(发现)

44. On the chart listing the five most popular books, the book written by him __came in__ second.
A. came in(进入)
B. took in(吸收)
C. resulted in(导致)
D. fixed in(安装在 ...)

45. He promised to __take__ me up on my request next time he was here
A. put
B. take
C. dress
D. send
解析:put up 提供; take up 拿起、开始从事; dress up 打扮、装饰; send up 射出、使上升;

46. Please __confirm__ your telephone message by writing to me.
A. confirm(确认)
B. concede(承认、退让)
C. confer(授予)
D. conceal(隐藏)

47. This old couple are inclined to create more space by __getting rid of__ old furniture.
A. getting rid of(摆脱,除去)
B. catching sight of(看到;瞥见)
C. taking place of(代替)
D. giving way to(给……让路;为…所替代)

48. The president went on to say he was __pursuing__ a new strategy,but not everybody was convinced.
A. chasing(追赶(chase 的现在分词形式))
B. running(运转(run的ing形式))
C. pursuing(追赶(pursue的ing形式))
D. tracing(找到 (trace 的现在分词))

49. The sea looked pure blue and the sand __beneath__ our bare feet felt hot.
A. through(穿过)
B. beneath(在下方)
C. under(在……下面)
D. below(在……下面)
解析:beneath 在下方,往往表示接触

50. After receiving the news of his mother's car accident, he postponed a __trip__ to Europe.
A. trip(旅行)
B. hike(徒步旅行)
C. travel(长途旅行)
D. tour(旅行;巡回演出)
解析:a trip to Europe 欧洲之行

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage.

For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A,B, C and D.

Choose the best ome and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET

with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

        According to the U. S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),

car crashes are the leading cause of death among children, __51 between__ 5 and 14 years of age.
51. A. at(在) B. between(在……之间) C. for(为了) D. about(关于)

NHTSA说: 50%以上死于车祸的儿童没有带安全设施
Says NHTSA: "Over 50% of children who die in crashes are __52 unrestrained__ by safety devices.
52. A. bound(界限) B. undefined(不明确的) C. unrestrained(放纵的) D. inhibited(抑制的)

另外, 4/5的儿童安全带系的不正确。”
__53 In addition__, 4 out of 5 children are improperly restrained."
53. A. Of course(当然) B. On contrary(反而) C. Nevertheless(然而) D. In addition(另外)

        The NHTSA offers a number of safety tips and __54 cautions__ for those who are accompanied by children while driving.
        54. A. cautions(警告) B. forms(表单) C. notes(备注) D. concepts(概念)

Although laws __55 vary__ from country to country and even from state to state,
55. A. work(工作) B. vary(变化) C. enforce(实施) D. affect(影响)

these guidelines may __56 serve as__ food for thought to many parents and guardians of children.
56. A give way(让路) B. differ from(区别于…) C. serve as(作为) D. deal with(处理)

Please check your local laws and do __57 whatever__ you can to keep your precious baby safe.
57. A. whatever(不管怎样) B. whichever(无论哪个) C. that(那个) D. which( 哪一个)

        The safest place for all children is in the back seat.

Infants should be __58 placed__ in a rear-facing safety seat in the backseat of the car.
58. A. tied(系(tie的过去式和过去分词)) B. stuck(被困住的) C. surrounded(被……环绕着的) D. placed(放置(place的过去分词形式))

A child at least a year old and __59 weighing__ at least 20 pounds may be placed in a forward-facing seat.
59. A weight(重量) B. weighted(加重的) C. weigh(重量为…) D. weighing((weigh 的现在分词))

At 40 pounds, the child can use a "booster seat", which is secured by one of the car's lap and shoulder __60 belts__.
60. A. stripes(给…加条纹) B. belts(用皮带扎牢) C. ribbons(用缎带装饰) D. bows(把…弯成弓形)

At approximately 80 pounds and a height of about four feet nine inches,

the child may begin using an adult safety belt.

Directions: Translate thefollowing passage into Chinese and putyour translation on the ANSWER SHEET

        Too frequently, students seem to take for granted their right.

or even their access, to interviews and to jobs needed to begin their careers.

Such optimism can no longer be justified.

Ten years ago, graduating students were warned that continued employment in one field for one company for one's entire working life was increasingly becoming a thing of the past.

Students could expect three or four career shifts.

Today,many college or university graduates will never have the chance even to begin careers in their chosen fields.

Others may find only part-time or contract work.

The last decade has produced enormous changes in the way business and industry operate in North America,

and in the ways in which people are employed.

说明 : 你要写不少于120字关于标题
Directions : You are to write in no less than 120 words about the title

"The Most Important Quality for a Person To Be Successful in the World Today".

You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:


The Most Important Quality for a Person To Be Successful in the World Today

        I think the most important quality for a person to be successful in the world today is being tolerant.

Here I do not define success economically.

I define success socially.

To succeed in the future, we will need to be tolerant of different background, opinions, and lifestyles.

        Our modern society has become increasingly open.

People from different cities, provinces or even different countries come to work in one workplace.

So we must learn to live and work with these people and to be tolerant of the cultures, beliefs and lifestyles which are different from ours

if we want to live and work with them peacefully.

        In the present world, many a war was waged just because of different opinions or beliefs.

We should not do things like that.

We should not stop speaking to people or start a quarrel just because we have different opinions and beliefs.

We must learn to be tolerant of one another and respect different opinions.

We should find a common ground-an idea we can both agree on.

Once we have agreed on one subject, it will be easier for us to settle differences in other subjects.

Learning to be tolerant is very important for everyone if he or she wants to be successful socially in our modern world.